Take Your Store to the Next Level with a 5-STAR Feasibility Study

The new year is just around the corner and now is a great time to assess your retail operation and establish an action plan to accomplish your goals. Whether you are considering adding a new site, enhancing your existing store, or selling your business, CHS Retail Solutions is here to support you and provide the information you need to make a well-informed decision.

The Cenex® 5-STAR Feasibility Study offers you a comprehensive analysis to determine the financial strength of an existing or potential retail operation. Attended and unattended sites can benefit from this unbiased analysis as it can project gasoline and diesel volumes as well as in-store revenue or profit potential, providing you with leverage in your negotiations and investment decisions.

“I like to use the 5-STAR Feasibility Study to identify sites to develop and keep from making mistakes. It helps to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a site that you may not have realized on your own.”

Larry Ehrman, V.P. Energy of Cooperative Producers Inc.

The 5-STAR Feasibility Study can assist in determining whether to:

  • Remodel your existing facility
  • Implement a foodservice concept
  • Construct a new convenience store
  • Purchase a new store
  • Determine profit potential of your existing operation

Upon completion of the study, you’ll receive a comprehensive report and recommended action plan. Our Retail Business Specialists will assist you in interpreting the data as it relates to your financial and operational objectives.

Whatever your business goals, the 5-STAR Feasibility Study is an invaluable tool that will provide you with the information you need. To learn more about the 5-STAR Feasibility Study, contact Bryon Witzel at Bryon.Witzel@chsinc.com or 402-490-7474.

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