Introducing the New Cenex Shop

This email is to inform you of a change to the vendor that administers on behalf of CHS Inc. Effective immediately, Taylor Corporation will be handling Cenex Shop site administration, print and merchandise fulfillment. With this vendor change, Cenex Shop will offer an improved user experience, new merchandise and apparel, customization capabilities and low-cost print items.

What is the timeline for this transition?

  • The new Cenex Shop was officially launched this week with all print items and a limited selection of apparel and merchandise.
  • In the following weeks, new apparel and merchandise and additional functionality will be added every day.

Create a New Account

To browse and order from the new Cenex Shop, you will need to create an account. This website is entirely separate from the old one. Therefore, old accounts are not available for use. All users will need to create an account.

Visit and click the “Create and account” button to get started.

What can you expect?

  • New Cenex Shop interface — The new Cenex Shop website will have an improved look, a more robust operating system, and enhanced capabilities.
  • New apparel and merchandise — Taylor Corporation offers an exciting selection of new, high-quality apparel and merchandise that will make it easier than ever to promote the Cenex brand.
  • Customization opportunities — With this new vendor comes the opportunity to customize and co-brand apparel, enabling you to easily position Cenex with your logo.
  • Expanded product label selection — The new website will offer more product options with variations of SAE and ISO numbers to clearly mark bulk tanks.
  • Top-of-the-line customer service — With a dedicated in-house customer support team, you can expect improved customer support, including phone and email availability.
  • The same website URL — The URL for Cenex Shop will remain

Important changes to note

  • Radio advertisements — Downloadable files for radio ads will no longer be available on Cenex Shop. Instead, these files will now be available on the Retail Marketing and Brand Support and Products Marketing Support pages of Cenex Hub.
  • Decals, pump topper frames & hose talker frames — These imaging items will now be available through Retail Image & Equipment.

If you have any initial questions about this transition, pending orders, or any matters of customer service, please contact

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