2024 RED Brand Standard Audit Has Begun!

The Brand Standard Audit portion of the Retail Excellence Daily (RED) Site Assessment Program began on June 1! Mystery shoppers will evaluate the interior and exterior of your store to help you gain valuable insight into your customers’ experience. By now, you should have received a mailer providing information regarding the 2024 round.

As a reminder, below are details and updates that you should be aware of:

  • Brand Standard Audit passing threshold to remain at 90%
    • Lighting Audit scores will now be connected to Brand Standard Audit scores
    • The Lighting Audit must be passed in order to pass the Brand Standard Audit
  • Shopping period for the Brand Standard Audit to be shortened
    • The Brand Standard Audit will occur between June 1 – August 31
    • Cures can be submitted for both the Lighting Audit and Brand Standard Audit until September 30
  • Extra credit points to be awarded for Gift Card/Credit Card holders displayed correctly
    • Each question will be worth an extra 2 points towards your evaluation score
    • In order to receive extra credit points, questions must be answered correctly the first time and are not cure eligible
  • 25 Point all or nothing question expanded
    • The 25 point all or nothing question will now include Lighting Audit performance
    • Locations that did not receive the Lighting Audit will not be evaluated on Lighting Audit performance
  • Condition vs. Cleanliness further split with additional points
    • Each question will now be split into two, one that evaluates condition and one that evaluations cleanliness
    • This will result in more questions being asked on the evaluation and more questions being scored than previous years
  • Portal Access and Shop Results will be available June 24
    • If you have not had prior access to the Mystery Shop Portal you will receive an email with your login credentials
    • If you have had prior access to the Mystery Shop Portal you will use your previous credentials to access the portal

Be sure to visit cenexhub.com to view our updated evaluations, cure submission instructions, and additional resources to ensure a smooth audit.

If you have any questions about the 2024 round of RED Site Assessment Brand Standard Audit, please contact refinedfuelsmarketing@chsinc.com.

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